Tuesday, 26 April 2011

TOTY: Number Five

In these final few days before the walk, I'm finding myself doing little walking and lots of thinking. Reflecting on the past year there are a number of moments that really stand out for me. I thought that I would share them with you in the form of a Top of the Year Top Five.

Number Five: When 12 miles was a really long way.
Although I had mitigating circumstances (I was suffering from a severe flare-up of RSI in my wrist) a 12 mile walk from my house in Lewisham to a BBQ at my friends' house in Hampstead took a ridiculously long time. When I arrived I was hot, pink and very very sleepy. In fact, it wasn't long after I arrived that I took a nap on their sofa and my husband tried to stick a sausage in my ear (not a euphemism).

Thankfully things have gotten easier since then.

Husband and sausage not pictured
Photo taken by my lovely friend Carla


  1. This is such an amazing challenge, I hope it goes really well.

  2. I had forgotten about the sausage... interesting to see the Ibuprofen on the side of the sofa as well!

  3. Thanks, Ellen! Positive thinking in action: I'm sure it will. :)

    Carla: I was medicating that dodgy wrist, I guess. Look's like they were fast becoming my best friends though...
